Arab Cultural and Community Center

The ACCC is a non-profit, non-sectarian, charitable and educational corporation that provides community services.
Its mission is to preserve, promote and strengthen Arab culture and the community through art, education and culturally relevant events and services in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Past Events
ACCC Upcoming Events
Please refer to our facebook page:
Arab cutural & community Center
To volunteer, please call the ACCC
Translation & Notarization Services
The ACCC can help you in translating documents to or from Arabic to English. We also can refer you to an Arabic speaking Notary Public
Our Partners
Translation & Interpretation
ACCC Staff
Yousef ( North African dialect ) 408-326-9441
Notary Public
Yousef 408-3269441
Hesham 415-441-4954
Our local work as part of the National Network of the Arab American Communities
The National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC) is a consortium of independent Arab American community based organizations. Established in 2004 as a national institution of ACCESS. NNAAC currently has 32 members in 12 states .
NNAAC mission is to improve the lives of Arab Americans by amplifying their voices, strengthening the capacity of member organizations, improving representation and increasing accountability to our communities . We are building a movement to ensure that Arab Americans are recognized as valuable contributing members of this country.
ACCC is a part of some of them that you can learn more about them, please go to the ACCC Programs